In this document Chianti Cooking Experience, a company, with headquarters in Via F.lli Rosselli N 69 San Casciano In Val Di Pesa (FI), owner of the website, provides information concerning the management of its website and the treatment and protection of the personal data of its users, with direct access from the home page or from the pages inside.
This document provides information in compliance with article 13 of Legislative Decree 196 of June 30th 2003 (Code related to the protection of personal data) and is valid only for the site owned by the Company and not for other sites that the user might consult by means of links which are activated from the pages of the aforementioned sites. Simply by navigating on the site it is possible to collect data that refers to persons that are identified or identifiable.
The owner of the website is Chianti Cooking Experience Di Bagnolesi Joshua, a company, with headquarters in Via F.lli Rosselli N 69 San Casciano In Val Di Pesa (FI). For any communication made pursuant to Articles 7 et seq. of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, as amended, the Data Controller makes available the following email address
- Navigation data:
Computer systems and software procedures needed for the functioning of this website, during their normal operation acquire some personal data the transmission of which are implicit in the normal use of Internet communications. This is not information that is collected in order to be related to identified subjects, but is data that, for its very nature, through elaboration and association with data obtained by third parties, could lead to the identification of the users. Included in this category of data are: IP addresses or names of domains of computers employed by the users who connect to the site, URI addresses of the resources requested), the time of the request, the method used to send the address to the server, the size of the file received as an answer, the numerical code showing the state of the answer given by the server (received, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer area of the user. The data that is collected could be used to demonstrate responsibility in case of computer crimes that damage the site. - Data supplied directly by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of data as requested by various sections of this site are used in order to respond to the requests of the user (an example, to cite just a few: when you ask for information or clarifications by writing to the e-mail addresses on the home page or on the inside pages, or when you voluntarily send a curriculum to ask for a job, or when you make direct phone calls or send a fax to one of the numbers in the “contacts” section), with particular focus directed to the data inserted by companies and professionals on the pages where it is necessary for candidates to register for employment and training.
Special information sections are contained in the site for particular services requested by the use.
Navigation data on the Internet are treated in order to initiate the computerized and electronic procedures; the insertion of personal data by the users is voluntary and optional.
The data that are collected from the website are treated by computerized and electronic procedures. Technical data are stored in the server of the company which is protected by all of the security measures described in Legislative Decree 196/2003 and attachments.
The user may assert his/her rights in compliance with articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Legislative Decree 196 of June 30th, 2003, by addressing the owner of the site. In particular, according to article 7, the user may obtain a confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the personal data that regards him/her, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in comprehensible form.
The user has the right to obtain the indication of:
a) the origin of the personal data; b) the use and purpose of the treatment;
c) the logic applied in the case of treatment conducted by electronic instruments;
d) the identification data of the owner of the site, the managers responsible for it, and the representative assigned in compliance with article 5, sub-section 2;
e) the subjects and the categories of subjects to which the personal data may be transmitted or that may come in contact with it as representatives of the government or other authorities.
The user has the right to obtain:
a) the correction or, when of interest, the addition of data;
b) the cancellation or transformation into anonymous form or the removal of data that has been treated in violation of the law, including those which do not need to be stored for the purposes for which they were collected or later treated;
c) proof that the operations described in sections a) and b), including their content, have been transmitted to all of those whose data have been communicated or transmitted, except in the case that such compliance turns out to be impossible or requires means that are obviously disproportionate in relation to the right being protected.
The user has the right to object, entirely or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons to the treatment of the personal data that regards him/her even though relevant for the purposes of the collection;
b) to the treatment of personal data that regards him/her for purposes of sending publicity material either for direct sale or for conducting market research or commercial communications.